Website Review:


About menerjemahkan visi mencerahkan itu sebagai keharusan menyajikan tulisan-tulisan yang jernih (clear), mencerahkan (enlighten), berwawasan (insightful), memiliki konteks (contextual), mendalam (indepth), investigatif, faktual, didukung banyak data kuantitatif dan kualitatif – baik skunder maupun primer, serta dapat dipertanggungjawabkan.

( translates the enlightening vision as the necessity to present writings that are clear, enlightening, insightful, contextual, in-depth, investigative, factual, supported by a lot of quantitative and qualitative data - both secondary and primary, and can be accounted for). is one of the most accurate and trusted news provider sites in Indonesia. is famous for the neutrality of the news it presents. 

Review is a news site that is very attractive to readers even though its appearance is only dominated by white and a lot of empty space on the left and right sides of the website. That is because the supporting images used by are images that are not commonly used by other news sites. also provides a website that is comfortable to open for readers because there are no advertisements on this website. Unlike other news sites that are filled with advertisements on the website, making readers uncomfortable. In addition to news, also presents a variety of interesting infographics for readers. This adds to the attractiveness of readers to linger reading news articles on 

In terms of the news presented, it is also relatively different from other news sites. The language used is weighty and interesting. is also not arbitrary in presenting news content. They only publish news that they consider important. So it can be said that the news presented at is not ordinary news but indeed weighty news.
